Sexual Activity During Pregnancy: What You Need to Know

Sexual Activity During Pregnancy: What You Need to Know

Sex is one of the essential components of a romantic relationship, but when it comes to pregnant women, there are many fears and doubts related to it. When a woman is going through a healthy pregnancy, it is perfectly fine for her to have sex. However, there are situations when it is not recommended. Being aware of the key guidelines for safe sex during pregnancy is extremely important, and that is exactly what this article will inform you about.

Should You Have Sex During Pregnancy?

If you’re going through a healthy pregnancy and the fetus is developing as it should, it is perfectly fine to engage in sexual activity. The developing baby is protected by the strong muscles of your uterus, as well as the amniotic fluid that surrounds it. Therefore, having sex will not affect your baby in any way. The only thing that might be affected is your sexual desire. If you’re one of those women whose desire remains the same or is increased, having sex can be a great way to boost your mental health during pregnancy. On the other hand, if it makes you feel uncomfortable, you should talk to your partner about what you can and cannot go through in those sensitive times.

When Should Sex Be Avoided

Sexual activity during pregnancy might not be safe in case of certain complications and other circumstances. For example, if you’re at risk for miscarriage, or you’ve already had one in the past. Also, if you’ve had a premature baby in the past, or you’re now at risk for preterm labour. Conditions such as having an incompetent cervix or having placenta previa are also considered to carry a particular level of risk. If you fall into any of these categories, you must talk to your doctor before you decide to have pregnancy sex. Also, it is advisable to seek a professional opinion if you’re expecting twins, triplets, or any other multiplets.

What to Expect Through the Trimesters

If everything is going smoothly, this is how your attitude towards sex might look like in each trimester:

First Trimester

Although the changes in your body shape and the shift of hormone levels might make you feel pretty sexy, the overall can easily be offset by certain discomforts that are normal for early pregnancy. Those include nausea, fatigue, sore breasts, as well as the increased need to pee.

Second Trimester

Once you enter the second trimester, the early discomforts might go away, or you might learn to manage them more successfully. And as your belly is growing, it is still small enough to let you feel pretty comfortable while having sex. In fact, this is the time when you are likely to feel a boost in your sexual desire.

Third Trimester

It is perfectly fine to have sex until the baby is born. Of course, as long as your doctor agrees and does not tell you otherwise. However, certain positions will become uncomfortable as your belly gets bigger, so it is questionable whether you’ll be in the mood for sex. Also, you might simply get preoccupied by getting ready for the arrival of the new baby.

Benefits of Practicing Sex

If you’re in the mood to have sex during pregnancy, you should also be aware of the advantages that arise from it. First and foremost, it is an excellent way to maintain intimacy with your partner since sexual activity brings couples closer together. And when it comes to your own satisfaction, it is important to note that it might become much easier for you to orgasm due to the increased blood flow to the genitals. On top of that, orgasm is known to release endorphins, the hormones that can help both the woman and the fetus feel more relaxed. As a result, this can reduce the chance of prenatal depression.

There are certain challenges that come with sex during pregnancy, but as long as everything is fine with you and the fetus, it can be a safe and satisfying experience. What’s more, it also comes with a number of physical and emotional benefits. However, make sure you follow your doctor’s advice at all times to avoid any potential complications.

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